Wednesday 10 December 2008

The Treasure Hunt Starts Now!

Dear readers,

Something happened yesterday that I've never seen happen before...

There is a lot of hype about different money making programs on the web. Many of them are pure scams!

But I want you to know about this one.

This is, what I believe is going to be, one of the most successful products of the year. I don't mean successful for those marketing it. I mean successful for those who invest in it...

Guys just like you. In A Hurry? Treasure Hunt Marketing.

I'm talking about finding a treasure online. And not just a big payday then it's over. Not a quick feast followed by months of famine...

This is the kind of treasure that keeps coming,day after day... month after month... year after year...

And like I said, I've never seen anything like it. It's called "Treasure Hunt Marketing" and I guarantee it's going to change EVERYTHING about how you marketf rom today forward.

My friend Nick Marks has been working on this for nearly a year now. I just finally got a peek and...

WOW! It promises to be revolutionary! Imagine waking up...

to find treasure in your account. Thousands of dollars from customers buying what you're selling. But that's not the really cool part! We're talking about taking that money and multiplying it over and over. No one shot marketing wonders here.

Nick shows you how to run your marketing business forever!

First 5 figures... then 6... 7... and even more!

Do you know what that means to your business?

I think I'm on the borderline of saying too much, too soon.The link you need to go to is Treasure Hunt Marketing.

You're hearing about this offer before most of your competition. You're hearing about it just as it has gone live!


PS - Nick's written the most unique sales page I've ever seen. It's worth reading even if just for the interactivity. There's something valuable hidden on the page! Okay, now I've really said too much. Just go to the site and check it out already... Treasure Hunt Marketing.

Friday 5 December 2008

koobface - The Facebook Virus

Heard of the virus koobface yet? Perhaps you've even been affected!

Net-Worm.Win32.Koobface attacks Facebook and MySpace accounts. There four variants so far, and there may well be more to come.

The worm uses a pretty simple approach - a link to a 'video', and then, when the user tries to watch it, s/he gets a message saying they need to update their Flash Player. It's an approach we're seeing a lot at the moment; download the 'Flash Player' file and there's new malware on your machine.

Of course, this isn't the first malware for Facebook or MySpace. There has been earlier variants of this worm which attack MySpace, but not Facebook. The virus writers behind Koobface are clearly trying to maximize the number of victims - the more there are, the bigger the botnet is going to be.

The guys behind Koobface are also linked to the 'fake antivirus' programs XP Antivirus and Antivirus2009 which are actually spyware. Installers for these spyware programs have been detected which also contain the worm code. And Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Fraudload, which was being used to download XP Antivirus etc. is now being used to download the worm files.

The result is a double whammy: in addition to being infected by the worm and herded into a botnet, victim machines are also going to get hit by one of these nasty pieces of spyware.

So watch out!

There are a number of good antivirus program out there that can protect you. One highly aclaimed one is Kaspersky Internet Security 2009. It is well worth checking out.

Click here for more info.
