Did you know that a simple Google search will reveal a massive industry of Digital Photography "tuitions"...
...which contains courses, manuals, DVD's and 3 day classes etc. where you can EASILY spend $1000's or more to learn Photography.
The Photography tuition industry is in fact so big that sales revenue from it is in fact larger than the revenue from the sales of Digital Cameras itself! And you know what else...?
It is NOT in most "Photography Guru's" best financial interests to produce courses that show you how to quickly and easily master the basics of Digital Photography (eventhough that is EXACTLY what 99% of newbies want and need)...
...If they did they would most certainly "kill their own Golden Goose" because you wouldn't need to spend hundreds of dollars on the rest of their training DVD's.
Most Digital Photography training material leaves you feeling even more "overwhelmed" after you've been through it than before! This is a deliberate ploy, so that you'll order EVEN MORE training material.
So they are basically a complete WASTE OF MONEY!
And this is the "dirty little secret" they don't want you to know and why you won't find other courses like "Your Guide To Digital Photography!"
In it Dan Feildman shows you how to become a competent and confident Digital Photographer user with just 10 minutes a day. And for a fraction of the cost of other alternatives.
You'll learn all the shortcut insider secrets that other people will take 20 hours of DVD's and $300 or more to show you.
Want proof? (You should!) Then read this:
"I came by chance on to your website, and i'm delighted. I have bought "Your Guide To Digital Photography" and all of the extras you offer which are simply amazing.
I've search the web for lots of help but I didn't find anything which could help me, as I'm 75 year-old, (a young75 that is) and very keen to accomplish some degree of success with digital photography.
Yes I don't learn as quick as I once did, but Dan covers everything you need to know.
I want to congratulate you on your teaching methods.
"Simply Brillant".
Without a doubt, I have learned more about the basics of Digital Photography with your method in a short space of time, than I would have been able to do with anything else.
Since buying your programme it has been extremely rewarding for me and I want to thank you for giving me a renewed desire to continue learning and producing great photographs... "
Robert Albert. (Smithrobertalbertsmith456(AT)blueyonder.co.uk)
"Your Guide To Digital Photography" was designed specifically to get new users extremely competent in Photography in the shortest time possible.
"Your Guide To Digital Photography!" is the epitome of this philosophy. There is no unnecessary "fluff" or time wasted on actions you may NEVER use.
You will learn the most important and most useful Digital Photography tasks which the pro's don't tell you about. There is NOTHING out there that focuses on this like they do. Why?
Because Dan has been in this position himself when he first started and he knows how frustrated, intimidated or overwhelming Digital Photography is for a newbie.
Follow this link to learn more: www.learndigitalphotographynow.com
If you want to get proficient Digital Photography in record time then there is NOTHING out there better than "Your Guide To Digital Photography!"
It's really simple to use and follow, and all about you having fun with your Digital Camera as soon as possible. GO AHEAD...
...Give it a try today. If you aren't overjoyed with "Your Guide To Digital Photography" or your results, let Dan know and he'll let you keep EVERYTHING for free. (Including the $117 worth of bonuses).
Follow this link to see exactly what you get and why it's the perfect choice for Digital Photography Newbies: www.learndigitalphotographynow.com
Regards, Krister.
PS - Today only he is giving away SIX free gifts for you when you test drive "Your Guide To Digital Photography!"
* GIFT #1: Picasa Video Tutorials.
Find, Organise and Share Your Photos with Picasa. Dan has had these video tutorials created. (Not even Picasa them selves have video tutorials!) for Picasa. They show you everything you need to know to really get the most from this amazing website.
* GIFT #2: Your Top Digital Photography Questions.
Here are the most-asked questions about digital photography, plus they get answered in simple-to-understand terms.
* GIFT #3: A Video to Help You Make Your Digital Camera Buying Decisions.
This video includes everything you need to know about buying the right digital camera.
* GIFT #4: An Experiment in Photography.
The report shows you exactly what happens when you change the settings on your digital camera.
* GIFT #5: Secrets of Night Photography.
This report tells you how to get the best night shots.Whether it's car light trails or a sky full of stars you're after!
* GIFT #6: Special Unadvertised Bonuses.
These special unadvertised bonuses cover everything you need to know about digital photography. There's literally many hours of awesome reading and learning here.
Whew! That's a lot of free stuff.
The only catch is I can't guarantee you'll get the gifts if you order after midnight. After that, the offer could expire. Follow this link to takeadvantage of it before it's too late: www.learndigitalphotographynow.com